Product marketing for marketing signals from ready-to-buy leads

Product Detail Page (PDP)

Written by Pedalix | Jan 24, 2021 11:00:00 PM

We have all read about marketing or customer journey. E-commerce apps also have a unique Customer Journey from clicking on the app and entering the website, to the category listing page, product listing page, product detail page and then to the shopping cart.

In today's world of progressive web apps (link), there is no guarantee that the consumer will travel through the above funnel, as they could be linked through a newsfeed or destination ad, and the consumer journey can begin on virtually any page. However, for most direct traffic, the journey will be Home > CLP > PLP > PDP > Cart. For some of the apps these pages could be mixed, for example the home page itself could be the category page.

Home page
An e-commerce home page depicts various important promotions and a clear structure of the different categories that the consumer should access immediately, the search bar and the menu structure. It is very important that the app is easily to be located by users.

Category Listing Page (CLP).
The category listing page represents the subcategories/subsegments within the category in terms of genres, prices, subcategories, specifications, etc. It does not show products and provides the feeling that you are one step closer to buying and one step away from buying. For example, below images there can be two category pages, apparel on the left and cell phones on the right.

Product Listing Page (PLP)
This is a page that displays all products listed in a particular category or subcategory. It differs from a CLP as it displays all products in a list, not just categories.

Product detail page (PDP)
The Product Detail Page is a page that provides a complete and detailed description of the selected product along with an option to purchase the product (called a Buy Box button).

Although these different pages have different features, a company should carefully develop a well defined content strategy while setting up the online store, website, and other online channels. Once the strategy is set, the appropriate content can be written based on this framework and then be available for customers.