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Building Marketing & Sales Automation Engines for B2B Tech

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Benchmark reports, podcasts and webinars on marketing and sales automation in B2B.

Lead Magnets Definition and Usability

Elements that can be embedded in the text are called lead magnets. This is especially the case when these lead magnets are only available in return for data exchange. In other words, if the reader...

Types of Subpages

A Traffic Page consists of an article / blog post (1400 - 2000 words) with a distinctive title which consists of keywords that support the content of the Pillar Page.

Keyword Clustering

The result of keyword clustering is a keyword list in which the keywords were sorted by customer journey phase and topic and represent a complete customer journey for each defined product.

What is a Funnel?

A marketing funnel helps illustrate the buying process of a potential customer from the first contact with a company (e.g. website visit) to the effective purchase.The analogy of the funnel comes...

What is a podcast?

An informative or entertaining audio or video podcast can strengthen the bond between the target group and the company and should therefore be considered as a possible advertising medium.Meanwhile,...

What is Storytelling?

Storytelling is particularly suitable for B2B marketing, as purchasing decisions are made more emotionally than rationally.

What is gated content?

Gated content can take the form of videos, PDFs, lead magnets, case studies or other forms of content. Essentially, the user must enter his personal details in a form or similar in order to receive...