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Finding employees: do this if you can't convince with a high salary

Searching for new employees can be a big challenge, especially if you can't entice them with high salaries and an impressive company name. But there is a way to find talented and motivated employees who aren't looking exclusive for the money. This podcast is about alternative ways to find employees. Employees who pay attention to your values and passions, and the tools and processes that help you recruit efficiently and successfully. Especially for those who aren't actively looking for a new job today. Learn how to build a compelling employer profile and a successful recruiting strategy to find and keep the best employees.

Finding and hiring employees, especially CTOs, developers, and skilled marketers often proves difficult because they already work for another company or are self-employed.

In addition, the challenge is that employees quit and demand higher salaries. As a small company, you often can't compete with the big corporations like Swisscom or Google - who usually provide a better salary offer. But how do you get not only the cheap employees, but also missionaries, co-thinkers and motivated people who are hungry and perform really well? 

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The question is also whether you want to hire experienced people or motivated people with no experience. It is important to decide whether the new employees should be integrated into existing teams or build the team themselves. All these factors need to be considered when looking for suitable employees.

The challenge

As a B2B entrepreneur, you know the problem: You're constantly looking for new employees, especially CTOs or digital marketing experts, but you can't find suitable candidates or they leave you quickly. A common reason for this is that you need people who have skills you don't have yourself, such as sales. The search for suitable employees can be very time-consuming and costs you time and money.


Searching for employees can lead to high turnover in your team. People quit frequently or demand higher salaries all the time. Especially with developers and other digital jobs, it can be difficult to find and keep good people. The size of your company can also play a role. Without an established brand or sufficient financial resources, it can be difficult to attract good people.

In summary, you need flexible and motivated employees who can identify with your company values and meet your needs. But how do you find that talent?


The solution is that you should find the people through active recruiting or lead generation. You should not only find the people who are looking for a job, but also those who are actually happy and not even thinking about a new job. In doing so, one should search for the "Ideal Job Candidate Profile" on LinkedIn and write to these people. A high conversion rate for a first meeting can be achieved by showing candidates that you are interested in their interests and who they are as people. 

The key to successful recruiting is to focus on your passion and values rather than simply offering more money. Look for people who have similar values to yours and who appreciate your work style. Active recruiting is essential in this regard. Use LinkedIn and other social media channels to find and reach out directly to potential candidates. A transparent and structured process will help lower the barriers for candidates and create a positive experience.

You can use a funnel of different intensity levels to meet and filter potential candidates. A 15-minute call can help save time and create a first impression of a candidate. A one-hour deep dive will give you more insight into the candidate's skills and personality. For a deeper understanding of how they work, you can organize a two-hour workshop.

During onboarding, it's important to invest time and effort to make sure new hires feel comfortable and understand your company's values. A primer with information on how the team works can help avoid misunderstandings and make onboarding easier. Continuing education opportunities, such as Udemy, Coursera, or conferences, can motivate employees and improve the quality of their work.

Last but not least, it's important to create a clear separation in offboarding to avoid negative experiences being associated with the company. By lowering the barriers for applicants, establishing a transparent process, and focusing on shared values, you can build an agile, loyal, and productive team.

Personal Learnings

  1. Active recruiting is essential to finding the right employees. You shouldn't just rely on external recruiters, but focus on potential candidates in a similar way to lead management.

  2. When looking for employees, you should focus on people you actually want to work with. In doing so, it is important to have similar values and ways of working.

  3. The transition from a family-like team to a larger organization is challenging and needs to be carefully planned.

  4. Investing in good onboarding is critical to scaling over the long term.

  5. It pays to be decent at employee selection and management, and to live your values consistently, because you will be working with similar people over and over again in the long run.

